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4 Questions to Ask at the End of an Interview to Help Leave a Lasting Impression

Many times, when preparing for an interview candidates either go in ready for an interrogation or they approach it too casually, expecting to win over the interviewer with conversation and a friendly smile. The truth is, landing a position in the tech industry – or any sector – requires a strategy somewhere in the middle, using your personality and some basic psychology.

In addition to knowing about the position and the company you’re interviewing with, a list of questions to ask at the end of the interview can go a long way in demonstrating how you will perform and interact with the company culture, organizational psychologist Nicolas Roulin tells Psychology Today.

According to Business Insider, asking questions at the end of an interview is also “a simple way to show the interviewer you’re truly interested in the role and the company.”

Here are four sample questions that can help you leave a lasting impression and ensure the position is the best fit you.

  1. What has made someone successful in this role before? As a candidate, be prepared to respond to however the interviewer answers this question with a statement showcasing your versatility and ability to adapt. A sample response to whatever he or she says could be, “That’s great this role requires someone that serves as a sort of Swiss Army knife. In my previous roles, I wore the hat of Product Owner, Developer, Scrum Master, and more.”

  2. What would be expected of me in my first month, two months, 90 days? In addition to showing an interviewer that you see yourself at the company long term, this question can let you know exactly what’s expected of you. “It’s important to remember that every interview is a two-way street,” according to Business Insider. “You should be assessing the employer just as much as they’re assessing you.” If what the interviewer says aligns with what you want from the position, consider responding something like, “I can see how I can add value right away and achieve that with my experience at xyz.”

  3.  What made you excited about joining this company x years ago? Showing an interest in your interviewer and having some background on their professional journey can help build rapport with them on a personal level. In order for this question to work properly, you’ll need to take a hard look at your interviewer’s LinkedIn profile prior to your appointment. For example, you could say, “I noticed you were with your last company for 5 years before switching here. What made you excited about making that transition?” That way you’re offering them a chance to share their own positive experiences through a memorable conversation.

  4. What about my skills or my resume, specifically, do you feel will benefit this company? This question is always a good way to get further insight into what value you’ll be to the company while also demonstrating to your interviewer you’ve come prepared. Make sure you know the job description thoroughly so that you can piggyback onto whatever the interviewer says. If he or she mentions your knowledge or experience in a specific area stood out for the role, make sure you are prepared to offer examples of how you’ve applied that knowledge or expertise in your professional experience – or ways in which you would. If possible, use this as a final opportunity to show how you’ll save the company time or money.

Whatever questions you decide to pose, it’s critical to come prepared with at least 3-4 that offer a chance to reiterate your skills. This is not the time to ask about benefits and flexibility; instead think about digging into the position, the company culture, or showcasing some talents of your own that perhaps don’t come across in your resume.

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