Meet the Team

Theresa Ramirez

Controller & Benefits Coordinator


San Diego, CA


Business Administration with an emphasis in Management and a Minor in Accounting— Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles

What do you love about Recruiting and your work at VIA Technical?

The Team! I love how we’re more than just VIA tech, we’re a family. I love what I do because of the people I work with every day.

What are your Passions/Interests?

I love to cook and host dinners at our house. I would take my grandmas old Filipino recipes and add a modern twist to her cooking. It makes me feel like we’re still cooking together like when I was younger.

What is your favorite thing to do or place to go in San Diego?

I love exploring our city with our kids. Even though I am from San Diego, it blows my mind that there is still so much I haven’t seen! I love trying new restaurants and visiting tourist attractions with my three kids and husband.